1 Million Students Reached!

1 Million Students Reached
Jason Fife

July 8, 2019

We are humbled and honored to announce we have now reached over 1 million students!

AdmitHub was founded five years ago with the mission to help students navigate the path to and through college, using cutting-edge AI technology to scale our efforts far and wide. 

We began collaborating with one college, Georgia State University (props to Pounce, the first college enrollment chatbot!) and only a few thousand students. 

Now, thanks to over 65 innovative partners who span the breadth of higher education, from large public universities like Arizona State and California State Northridge, to small liberal arts colleges like Allegheny and New College of Florida, from community colleges like Ocean County to research universities like Wayne State, to Ivy League institutions like Harvard, and from regional college access efforts like DetroitEd411 and GEAR UP NC to national organizations like KIPP and Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Better Make Room, we have eclipsed this major milestone in our continuing endeavor to support every student along their educational journey.

We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve these students on behalf of our partners. And while we have seen great impact assisting students on their way to college matriculation, we’re excited to continue the relationship with them once they’re on campus, to help them make the most of their college experience, stay on track to completion, and leave more prepared for the next phase of their lives.

AdmitHub 1 Million

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