Spark action.
Inspire success.

Transform Student Success with expertly crafted campaigns that turn barriers into milestones.

Don’t let limited resources slow your progress. With Mainstay’s Expert Services, you provide the strategic guidance and we provide the execution to elevate your communications strategy and achieve your goals.

As an extension of your team, we use research-backed methods to create a strategic plan for quick, significant results—boosting efficiency and freeing up valuable organizational resources.

Instant impact

Add our experts to your team

Today, people expect immediate support from their school, employer, or businesses, but many organizations lack the bandwidth for instant, scalable solutions.

Mainstay’s Expert Services Team creates and delivers messages that inspire action—aligned with your strategic programming and goals. We collaborate with you to develop a strategic communication roadmap and targeted campaigns that guide students more efficiently.

By providing on-demand, personalized support, we streamline your efforts and enhance efficiency.


Feedback from conversations with Mainstay’s AI Success Coaches managed by our Expert Services team:

felt the AI Success Coach met or exceeded their expectations

reported taking action because of one of our texts
asked or answered at least one question

would recommend the AI Success Coach to a friend

Proven to work

Engaging conversations. Unparalleled results.

Meaningful interactions are the key to effective engagement — but not everyone has the time or resources to create those connections at scale. 

When Mainstay’s partners send text messaging campaigns, they experience a huge boost in engagement — with an average overall response rate of 40%. When institutions team up with our Expert Services Team, their overall engagement rates jump to 60 – 70% — which is nearly unheard of through any other medium!

Campaign management

The power of our approach

Mainstay’s Expert Services Team designs campaigns tailored to your goals, audience, and desired impact. Utilizing proven strategies, we ensure your message is delivered through the right channels and at the right time, maximizing its reach and effectiveness.

Throughout the process, we’ll also provide you with performance reports on your campaign, helping you make data-driven decisions and continuously refine your overall communication strategy.

THANK YOU FOR ALL THE HELP! I appreciated it and I'm so grateful for the peace and contentment you've brought upon my heart 💛

I signed up for the text alerts because I needed some motivation to actually apply to college and now I'm on a full ride to the campus of my dreams. And although I could've cancelled the messaging since I already had a handle on things I didn't so that I could continue receiving motivation to work hard at college so thank you

Best practices

Accelerate your success

Our team uses a proven approach backed by research to improve the metrics that matter most — at the most critical moments in someone’s journey.

Leveraging the best practices we’ve developed over more than 7 years and hundreds of millions of interactions, we’ll create a customized campaign strategy that works for you based on our industry insights and your long-term success metrics. 

You’ll work directly with a dedicated specialist who will remove any blockers to optimize and improve your chatbot’s performance and ensure we’re on track to achieve your goals.

Get started

Ready to amplify your impact?

Mainstay’s Expert Services Team will partner with you to create and send personalized scripts and campaigns that drive action at scale. 

Reach the right people at the right time with relevant, impactful conversations — and start unlocking your organization’s full potential today. 

Connect with us:

Related resources

Learn more with us

Examine these helpful resources about engagement strategy, student and employee impact, and Behavioral Intelligence trends.