Generating Powerful College & Career Advising Content

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The Hybrid Advising Co-op, facilitated by Shift, is a collaborative initiative aimed at exploring and implementing hybrid advising models that blend human and AI-driven interactions to enhance student support. The Co-op includes leading organizations such as Bottom Line, OneGoal, KIPP Public Schools, Let’s Get Ready, and College Advising Corps.

In the third session, delve into crafting engaging, culturally-responsive content that resonates with students. Learn about combining technological innovation, behavioral science, and comprehensive student needs understanding. Gain knowledge on delivering empathetic content at scale to promote inclusivity, relevance, and student action, backed by AI to monitor quality and deliver relevant content timely.

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Hear from:

  • Grace Bianciardi
    Chief Program Officer at Let’s Get Ready.
    Over 20 years of experience in educational non-profits, including roles at Citizen Schools and Peace First.

  • Dr. Julie Delich
    VP of Product Strategy at Mainstay
    Significant experience in supporting students through their educational journeys and into career paths

  • Sarah Place
    Chief Program Officer at Bottom Line
    Responsible for advancing the organization’s mission by leading program strategy, design, and innovation.

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Generating powerful college and career advising content

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Get a guided tour of Mainstay’s Engagement Platform

Mainstay’s Engagement Platform uses Behavioral Intelligence to help businesses build meaningful relationships, optimize insights, and drive action.

Sign up for your personalized demo to find out how Mainstay makes it easy to spark conversations with your employees and guide them toward positive results.


Instant support — anytime, anywhere

Mainstay’s behaviorally intelligent chatbots make it easy to engage with employees on the channels they prefer to use:

SMS text messaging
Live chat
Web chat
Social media

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Get a guided tour of Mainstay’s Engagement Platform

Mainstay’s Engagement Platform uses Behavioral Intelligence to help schools and businesses build meaningful relationships, optimize insights, and drive action.

Sign up for your personalized demo to find out how Mainstay makes it easy to spark conversations with your students or employees and guide them toward positive results.


Instant support — anytime, anywhere

Mainstay’s behaviorally intelligent chatbots make it easy to engage with students and employees on the channels they prefer to use:

SMS text messaging
Live chat
Web chat
Social media

Let's talk