Connect the untapped workforce

Mainstay connects employers with specialized talent, opening the door for workers and closing the skilled-labor gap.

By connecting employers, communities, and educators, we connect an untapped workforce with targeted training for high-demand skilled labor. These strategic collaborations create sustainable talent pipelines that enable regional economies, employers, workers, and communities to prosper.


Solving today’s workforce challenges

Fast-growing industries from tech to healthcare to clean energy are desperate to fill urgent job shortages. Mainstay bridges these talent gaps by connecting underserved individuals with the training and credentialing needed for up-and-coming jobs in their community. 

Our approach taps often-overlooked groups like gig workers while unlocking insights that local employers and agencies lack — ultimately connecting trained talent directly to open roles.Throughout the process, Mainstay uses timely nudges and proven messages to guide individuals through every step.


Proven engagement

7M+ conversational engagements and 20M+ monthly texts


24/7 support

85% of questions answered automatically

Bridging the gap between talent and opportunity

When promising talent matches urgent demand filled, communities prosper. By leveraging CollegeAPP’s powerful intent data, Mainstay is able to target capable individuals seeking better jobs aligned to regional demand.

We also coach adult learners to persist in their studies, celebrate milestones along the way, and ensure they exit programs work-ready. From there, we can facilitate smooth transitions into employment, connecting graduates with partner organizations seeking qualified talent. This benefits companies, too, with Mainstay’s enterprise partners experiencing a 20% increase in recruiter efficiency

Engaging untapped workers

By understanding workforce needs down to the zip code, Mainstay maps the credentials and competencies that matter most for jobs ranging from electric vehicle maintenance to robotics operation to healthcare techs. 

This allows us to provide highly targeted outreach that addresses unique goals and barriers to success, while celebrating achievements to maintain motivation. 

By engaging individuals to identify and overcome obstacles hindering their progress by proactively addressing real-life hurdles around childcare, transportation, and bias, we have the potential to recover $13 billion in lost tuition annually from individuals who have previously stopped out of their programs. 

How Mainstay’s engages and supports job-seekers:

Targeted outreach: Mainstay sends proven campaigns to recruit new segments of untapped talent

Addressing goals and barriers: Through personalized coaching and support, we foster a supportive environment for skill development 

Personalized nudges: Gentle reminders encourage action and improve progress towards development goals

Coaching and upskilling: We connect individuals with the knowledge and skills for in-demand career paths

Celebrating milestones: By instilling a sense of accomplishment and motivation, we help people persist throughout their journey

Real-time Insights: Instant feedback helps us identify barriers to success to provide timely intervention and support

Guiding the entire career journey

The prospect of entering a new career or making a big career transition often leaves capable individuals feeling overwhelmed. Mainstay provides consistent, compassionate guidance while navigating new systems — from enrollment through skills-building to credentials earned to job placement and onboarding. 

By supporting each step with empathy and expertise, we empower individuals to navigate the unknown with confidence and resilience. This holistic support not only equips them with the necessary skills and qualifications but also the confidence and determination needed to succeed in their new career.

Get started with Mainstay

Ready to bridge the gap between employers and motivated individuals in your community? Let Mainstay be your guide. 


Our expert team specializes in targeted outreach, ensuring that untapped workers are connected with relevant credentialing and upskilling courses tailored to meet the demands of today’s job market. Join us in empowering individuals and driving success in your local workforce.

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