Nurture every student journey with empathetic AI

Elevate the student experience at your private colleges or universities

The key to nurturing engagement and belonging is meeting learners where they are — even if that’s scrolling late at night with mounting questions. Yet for many private institutions, limited time and resources make providing that support at scale seem impossible

But what if you could provide empathetic guidance anytime students needed it? Mainstay makes that possible by combining scalable technology with research-backed human insights to help boost enrollment, increase persistence and foster engagement.

Let’s explore how personalized messaging can help ensure every student has the tools they need to succeed at your school.

Mainstay's trusted partners

Allegheny College
Texas Wesleyan
Butler U

A decade of scaling student engagement

Feeling seen and understood is key for students to thrive academically and socially. Over the past decade, Mainstay has collaborated with leading researcher partners to build a proven framework that combines behavioral science, AI, and human insights to make meaningful connections with students. 

Our conversations enhance belonging by making every student feel seen, supported, and connected to what matters most. We celebrate wins, recommend relevant campus resources, and check in with struggling students to boost retention. Rather than canned replies, these authentic exchanges build trust and guide learners to needed resources. The result? Engagement that makes a measurable impact.

Bridging gaps between students and support​

Providing instant, relevant support is key to keeping students engaged on their higher ed journey. Mainstay’s chatbots handle frequently asked questions around the clock so your staff focus on complex conversations and one-to-one support. We also deliver research-based nudges to help students to take the next step at the right times. 

And while personalized nudges work wonders keeping students on track, some challenges require a human touch. That’s why we identify which students require personalized attention so their staff can reach out directly exactly when they need it.

An employee smiling at their phone
Feedback from conversations with Mainstay’s Expert Services chatbots:
felt the chatbot met or exceeded their expectations
reported taking action because of one of our texts
asked or answered at least one question
would recommend the chatbot to a friend

Your partners in scaling institutional management

With proven campaigns covering everything from admissions to retention, Mainstay takes the guesswork out of exactly how and when to connect with students to make the most impact. Our Best Practice Collection offers ready-made scripts that leverage proven data so you can send the right message at the right time. 

And our Expert Services team goes even further by partnering with you as an extension of your staff. Drawing on years of insights from hundreds of millions of conversations, they create fully customized engagement strategies tailored to your audience, goals and success metrics. Expert Services designs the communications campaigns, ensures optimal delivery timing, and provides performance reporting so you can continuously refine your approach.

With campaign creation and management powered by experts and repetitive tasks automated through AI, your team gains capacity to provide high-touch support one-on-one to those students needing it most

Staying one step ahead with proactive support

For conversations to truly resonate, your messages have to be timely and relevant. Mainstay’s approach address the most critical steps where timely interventions make an impact along the student journey. With proven messaging frameworks tailored to each milestone, it’s easy to know exactly how and when to nudge action. 

Our technology allows us to spot emerging issues early, so your team can  get ahead of obstacles before they derail learners. Knowing these challenges allows us to provide timely nudges – whether reminding about financial aid deadlines or celebrating small wins along the way.  

Hi Travis, Oli here. You're only 6 credits shy of earning your degree! Do you plan to re-enroll for next semester? You can just say [yes] or [no] and I'll be here to help.


You've got this! 🙌 Would you like some help registering for classes?


Have the most important conversations at the right time

Provide timely information about deadlines and housing options

Connect students with the right staff member when they need more support

Empathetically nudge students to complete important tasks — like submitting financial aid documentation

Be there to answer students’ questions around the clock

Strategies that boost persistence

Once you’ve gotten over the hurdles of enrollment, keeping learners connected and on track with their goals is crucial. Nurturing students’ sense of belonging and community is crucial to keeping them on track to meet their goals. Without this kind of personalized connection, far too many learners lose momentum and slip through the cracks along their academic journey.

Mainstay transforms retention strategies by offering empathy during struggles and meeting students’ individual needs in real-time. This type of empathic outreach works wonders for persistence – with Mainstay’s partners seeing results like a 29% increase in academic appointments and 50% lower withdrawal rates.

Insights from our latest research studies

Randomized Controlled Trials continually demonstrate how Mainstay’s timely, personalized support increases the likelihood that students will succeed in and out of the classroom.

increase in the likelihood of getting B or higher
of students recommend the chatbot
more likely to register for fall semester early

Start supporting every student’s journey

Whether learners are overcoming obstacles, celebrating wins, or needing guidance, Mainstay helps you meet every moment. Our AI-powered engagement platform empowers institutions like yours to boost enrollment, persistence and inclusion by connecting all learners to resources that help them thrive. 

Connect with us today to learn how our proven approach can amplify your team’s capacity while helping every learner succeed at your institution.

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