Can AI solve ghosting in the workforce?
Early evidence suggests chatbots could play a role in reversing negative hiring trends and jump-starting the country’s economic recovery.
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1 Washington Mall #1349, Boston, MA 02108
Mainstay’s Engagement Platform uses Behavioral Intelligence to help businesses build meaningful relationships, optimize insights, and drive action.
Sign up for your personalized demo to find out how Mainstay makes it easy to spark conversations with your employees and guide them toward positive results.
Mainstay’s behaviorally intelligent chatbots make it easy to engage with employees on the channels they prefer to use:
Mainstay’s Engagement Platform uses Behavioral Intelligence to help schools and businesses build meaningful relationships, optimize insights, and drive action.
Sign up for your personalized demo to find out how Mainstay makes it easy to spark conversations with your students or employees and guide them toward positive results.
Mainstay’s behaviorally intelligent chatbots make it easy to engage with students and employees on the channels they prefer to use: